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Participating Teachers


Teachers holding a California Preliminary Teaching Credential with less than two years of teaching experience are eligible to enroll in the San Benito County Office of Education Teacher Induction Program.  The program is a 2-year, job embedded program.  Teachers with at least 3 years of successful teaching  experience may choose to participate in the Early Completion Option (ECO), which is completed in one year. 

Participating Teachers (PT) enroll in the San Benito County Office of Education Teacher Induction Program through their employing district.  Within 30 days of enrollment in the Teacher Induction Program, the Participating Teacher will be matched with an Induction Coach (mentor) who will guide the Participating Teacher through the Teacher Induction Program.  Throughout the 2-year program, the PT will acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and abilities of effective teaching as outlined in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).


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