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Special Education

The San Benito County Office of Education (SBCOE) Special Education Department is highly committed to supporting districts within San Benito County in providing Special Education Services to students who are found eligible for special education services in Rural Schools, Alternative Education Program and/or qualify for a Special Day Classroom at the SBCOE Early Childhood Education Center (ECE). SBCOE serves as the regional program that offers special education services to school districts within San Benito. Together, the County Office Education (COE) and Local Education Agencies (LEA) provide students with disabilities between the ages of birth to 23 with a full continuum of options with the emphasis on serving students in the least restrictive environment. The program and services for all students served are determined by an IEP Team. 

Special Education Department Mission

Our mission is to develop and provide quality instruction to students with disabilities. Our goal is for our students to be engaged, encouraged, empowered, and educated.

Special Education Programs

Headshot of Julieann Trice


Julieann Trice

Director, Special Services 
(831) 630-2525 x504
Headshot of Julia Blankenship


Julia Blankenship

Special Education Coordinator 
(831) 630-2525 x509