San Benito County SELPA Local Plan
The San Benito County SELPA Local Plan will be made available for public inspection in the SELPA Office located at 3230 Southside Rd, Hollister CA 95023 during normal business hours.
General information about the Special Education Local Plan Area: Local Plan, as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Act to meet the needs of students with disabilities for special education and related services, can be found on the CDE Website.
SELPA Administrators of California also provides information on Understanding the Local Plan.
SELPA is the acronym for the Special Education Local Plan Area.
California currently has 136 SELPAs, ranging in size from those serving fewer than 1,000 students to hose serving more than 10,000 students. The SELPA governance structures vary in form, including models for Multi-District SELPAs, Multi-District/County Office SELPAs, Single District SELPAs, Multi-District/Multi-County SELPAs, County SELPAs with Joint Power Agreements, and Charter only SELPAs.