Student Services
The Student Services department is committed to the educational success of all students by advancing equity, inclusion, and advocacy through student programs. We offer prevention and intervention support and services that assist local education agencies in developing support systems for students, staff, and families throughout San Benito County. This support includes identifying and removing barriers to learning including developmental challenges and physical and mental health needs, so students can be ready to learn and maximize their potential. We serve school districts through engaging, coordinating, and expanding school-based behavioral and mental health services in collaboration with community partners such as the County of San Benito, Behavioral Health, Human Services Agency, Public Health, local law enforcement agencies, and other groups.
Our Mission
As part of our mission to Engage, Encourage, Empower...Educate, the San Benito County Office of Education's Educational Services Department is dedicated to empower educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.
Gwen Baquiran
Assistant Superintendent, Student 637-5393 x224 |
Victor NegreteEducational
(831) 637-9269 x206